Discover top ideas on how do I market my coaching business and learn the tips and tricks to market your coaching business and attract your target market.
When you start out your coaching business, it can be quite exciting to go through the processes.
Many coaches get to create their coaching programs and they seem to be doing fine until they hit a familiar roadblock, – marketing.
This is a popular question asked by many people in the coaching business: “How Do I Market My Coaching Business?”
This article was written to answer that question.
If you create the best coaching programs and you don’t sell, then you will go bankrupt and your bills will be left unpaid.
A successful coaching business needs strong marketing which can be achieved by creating websites, informative content, making videos, using Search Engine Optimization techniques, creating podcasts, blogs, webinars, and email lists, and promoting your business on social platforms.
So, if you’re wondering how to market your coaching programs, then this article is for you.
Here, we will show you the things you need to know and the steps you need to take to market your coaching business successfully.
Let’s get started!
Table of Contents:
How Do I Market My Coaching Business?
- Create a Website
- Create Great Content For People Who Need Coaching
- Use Videos
- Search Engine Optimization
- Start a Podcast
- Blog About Your Services
- Start an online community
- Join And Participate in Relevant Online Forums
- Consider Email Marketing
- Host A Webinar
- Attend Relevant Events
- Speak At Events
- Ask For Referrals
1. Create A Website
If you are in the 21st century and you have a business, then you need a website.
A website always serves to provide your potential clients with a platform to discover your business and find out more about your skills and services.
With a website, you can collect your social media links in one place and this will enhance your visibility and make your profile show up to anyone who is searching for your site online.
Building a website can seem enormous and overwhelming, but you can begin by creating a basic website using business software that can guide you through the process.
In the long run, though, you will need a professional-looking website because this reflects positively on your business, which makes it worth the investment.
2. Create Great Content For People Who Need Coaching
When you go ahead to create content for the people who need your topic or coaching, you give in-depth analysis on the topic and this establishes you as an authority in the field, so when people think of something or have a need in that area, you come to their minds first.
Your ability to generate great content will set you apart as an expert so your potential clients actually look forward to working with you.
This is because you have clearly demonstrated that you know more than enough to help them become successful in that area they are looking forward to succeeding in.
How do you do this?
- Pick a topic that deals with the pain that is common to your audience: it’s great to pick a relevant topic, because the more relevant the topic, the more interested your audience will be in it, and they will even share it with others in their circle they feel can benefit from it.
- Research Existing Content on the topic: you want to make sure that you create a complete piece of content on a particular area or subject and to do this, you have to know everything there is to know about that topic, meaning you have to know and study the materials already available on the topic.
- Create a Promotional Strategy: Create a promotional plan that will ensure that the people who need your content will get to see it; you can publish your guide or content on your own website, or become a guest blogger making it a guest post or you can also post it in relevant forums or social media groups that allow such things.
- Create a User-friendly Design: your content has to be user-friendly as making your content visually appealing to your audience is an essential factor in marketing your coaching business.
3. Use Videos
If you are looking to market your coaching business, then it may be time to step in front of the camera.
Videos are a great way to get your audience to know, like, and trust you quickly.
This is because are somewhat like being there in person and that makes them more relatable than other kinds of content.
Videos allow people to sort of meet you in person.
They hear your voice, see your face, watch your mannerisms and feel your style or personality.
There are lots of channels and platforms you can use to distribute your video content.
You have Facebook live videos, as a matter of fact, the Facebook algorithm gives Facebook live videos preference such that Facebook live videos are given a boost within newsfeeds so that more of your friends and followers are able to see it.
Use your wall, your business page, or a group you own to post your videos.
If you belong to a group that permits it, you can also post relevant video content on them as well.
You can also take advantage of Twitter, Instagram, and even LinkedIn and utilize their video-sharing opportunities to market your coaching business.
You should also ensure that your videos go on YouTube.
More than 30 million people visit YouTube in a day!
These people are in need of solutions, go give it to them!
4. Use Search Engine Optimization
When you are done setting up your website, your next target is to make sure you can get your audience to visit your site.
The best way to make this happen is to use Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Think of SEO as signposts that show people the way and lead them into your website.
With the proper use of Search Engine Optimization, you are more likely to have clients find your website when looking for a coaching business for their needs than your competitors.
Do your best to identify what keywords or phrases your customers use most and apply them to your website.
What keywords do your customers use when they are asking questions or searching for answers?
Ensure that these keywords are entrenched in your website’s content on your homepage, and in your blog as well.
Search Engines point out the best high-quality content, so don’t just be careless about it.
You can begin by optimizing your metatags, URLs, and your backlinks.
5. Start A Podcast
You can use a podcast to market your coaching business too.
Podcasting is a great way to establish your status as a thought leader in your niche.
You can either host your own show or become a guest speaker in another podcaster’s show.
Podcasting is a very effective way to become an authority in your niche or industry while providing an extra channel for your prospective customers to find you.
If you would like to be featured as a guest on a podcast, you can post about it on your social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, and the rest and tell your audience that you are looking to be featured as a guest on podcasts.
You can add one or two topics that you find interesting and talk about them to make it easier for people to understand what and how much value that you will bring to their show and their audience.
If you have your podcast show, you can offer a podcast swap.
Simply think up a way to offer value to your audience and that of your host.
6. Blog About Your Services
A top way to market your coaching business is to blog about it.
A blog can create room for conversations to start.
You can either share content about your coaching business on your own blog or you can do it as a guest blogger on other people’s blogs.
When you share content that is helpful and useful to your ideal audience or on other people’s websites, you build your profile and portfolio like an expert in that field and this will help you grow faster and have more reach.
It will also help to get your message out there to a new and sometimes larger audience.
7. Start An Online Community
If you are serious about marketing your coaching business, then you need to build your own audience.
You can do this with a Facebook group.
Growing your online community takes effort but if you know what you are doing, you will make the process easier for yourself and multiply your results at the same time.
Make your online community’s name so clear that people don’t have to guess what it is about, let your group be intriguing so people look forward to being in it.
8. Join And Participate In Relevant Online Forums
You can only build real engagement with your potential clients by participating in discussions that cater to your topic.
You can also focus on relevant online groups or forums.
You can find them on Facebook, LinkedIn, and the rest.
You can also take advantage of online communities like Quora and Reddit.
You can also get into industry-specific forums where you can be sure your audience will be found.
These groups allow you to establish trust with your audience by participating in conversations.
This will take a while of course, but even if it takes weeks, it always yields great rewards.
9. Consider Email Marketing
Email marketing is a great way to market your coaching business.
When you steadily communicate something about your business, you can count on email marketing to be an effective tool to achieve your goal.
Email marketing is great for customer acquisition and retention.
Also, Email Marketing has an ROI and better click-through rates than other methods or channels of marketing.
Simply gather all the data you have from other channels and be clear about your objective for the email you are sending.
Then decide on the email templates you are employing, go for the ones that are responsive.
Differentiate between branding and sales email.
Then create an email calendar citing the types of mail needed for ultimate conversions.
Then keep track of your progress while you make sure that you are adding value and not just always selling.
10. Host A Webinar
Webinars are a great way to market your coaching business.
They can help you drive sales in an unbelievable way.
Make sure that your webinars are packed with value so that when attendees show up, they get even more value than they expected or paid for.
Webinars attract more potential clients and can turn them into long-term repeat customers.
11. Attend Relevant Events
This also works well if you want to market your coaching business.
Try to show up for the right kind of events and don’t just show up, network, and connect with people, especially those who match the profile of your ideal clients.
You can be certain to meet them there because people flock to areas of interest, and if they are there, you can bet they will have an interest or need for your services.
People buy from those they know, like, and trust, and a great way to get them started on this process is to show up at the events where they can be found and connect with them.
12. Speak At Events
A great way to market your coaching business is to show up and position yourself as the go-to coach in your niche or industry.
You can do this by speaking at events.
People will see you as an authority and this will help you to build trust with them.
At the end of the presentation, you can say a thing or two about your services and you are sure to pick a handful of clients and even more leads than you expected.
13. Ask For Referrals
You never know how close your next client is until you ask.
Your network could bring you more clients than you imagined.
How does this work?
Your friends know what you do and then they meet someone who needs the services you offer, who is the first person that comes to their minds and lips?
You know it’s you.
But if you do not tell them what you do, many times, you will pass up on opportunities that could have come to you through their referrals.
Ask for referrals if you want to step up your marketing game.
So that’s all that you need to know about marketing your coaching business.
We trust you found this article useful.
Let us know in the comments!
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Anita is a part of Weshare’s writing team. She has social media marketing experience for over 4 years and has been writing in-depth guides and articles about marketing, social media, and online education for the past 7 years.
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