Become A Life Coach Online In 6 Simple Steps

Learn about the steps and strategies to become an online life coach and start your very own online coaching business with helpful tips to make your online coaching classes a success.

By now, you already know that taking your classes online is a big deal considering the advantages the online community offers. 

You gain more visibility, you have access to a wider audience and the possibilities are just endless.

At its core, life coaching is all about helping others achieve their goals and reach their full potential. As a life coach, you would work with clients to help them overcome challenges and make positive changes in their lives.

There are many different types of life coaching, but some of the most popular include career coaching, relationship coaching, and wellness coaching. You can find inspiration from Truely’s list of successful life coaches to know what coaching they offer and what niche fits best for you.

If you have decided to become a life coach and build a business or online career with it, then this is just the right article for you!

Many coaches have questions when they are about to begin their online classes like how do I stand out? Or how do I grow my business? 

This article is created to answer all the questions you might have about how to become a life coach online.

Let’s get started!

Decide What Kind Of Coaching You’ll Offer

When it comes to figuring out what exactly you’ll be doing in the online space, you’re not alone in the confusion.

It’s good to know that you have settled on becoming an online coach, but it’s even better to choose your specialty and fly with it.

Just before you build that website or begin marketing that class, let’s take a look at what exactly you’ll be doing. 

What type of coaching should you pursue?

Well here are some options; we’ll be considering 4 types of coaching briefly:

1. Private Coaching

Most coaches begin from here because it’s easier to attract private coaching clients who are interested in working with you one-on-one. 

Besides, being the sole center of attention is what every client wants. 

When you coach a client privately, you get their full attention and brainpower for however long the session lasts.

If you’ll just look, you will find that there are people who are more than willing to pay the extra dough for that personal and exclusive touch.

A great thing about this type of coaching is that you don’t have to come up with a curriculum as your client will be looking towards coaching sessions that are customized to meet their personal needs.

Private coaching is quite a lucrative stream of income but it’s not the best scalable option available. 

When you are coaching privately, you have limited time, and the expansion of clients outside of your desired work schedule is tough due to one-on-one sessions. 

This is where we introduce the next type of coaching.

2. Group Coaching

We find that some coaches thrive in a group atmosphere. 

You’d find that they would rather host online coaching workshops and create a community rather than coach a handful of one-on-one clients.

If you find that you fall into this category, then group coaching would be a great option for you.

Also, if you’ve been private coaching for a while and you notice that what you do works for each client, you could simply streamline a process to create your curriculum around your coaching sessions. 

This would save you loads of time and stress too. 

You don’t necessarily have to choose between the two. 

There are ways you can incorporate both into your business model. 

You could create an exclusive private coaching offer for your group coaching clients at a reduced rate to make extra income. 

It’s much easier to sell to a client who already knows and appreciates the value of what you are bringing, as opposed to a new client you’re still trying to convince.

This is a lucrative way for online coaches to make money for say, a short-term goal.

More clients, more income.

3. Life Coaching

This is a popular one. 

You’ve probably heard a lot about life coaches.

A life coach is a person who partners with you and guides you along with a transition phase or a roadblock point in your life by asking defining questions and helping you arrive at the best answer.

Life coaching is an easy niche to get started in because you can choose any audience demographically. 

Everyone experiences transitions, and you can help them in several areas as a life coach.

Since this isn’t a highly regulated industry, there is no specific certification or degree required to be called a life coach.

However, we recommend that you go through a coaching certification process to help you build and learn important skills and gain confidence in your coaching journey.

4. Business Coaching (Sales, Speaking, Writing, Entrepreneurship, etc.)

Business coaching is fast becoming one of the most successful niches for online coaching, especially in these times when companies are spending billions annually on business coaching.

You can find business coaches in these niches:

– Entrepreneurship Coaching

– Sales Coaching

– Marketing Coaching

Writing or Publishing Coaching Books

– Executive Leadership Coaching

– Organizational or Team Coaching

There is always someone looking for a business coach when they hit a roadblock in their current business growth and want to find a solution.

What they want is someone who has been there before, had the experience and can help them get results in that area.

Having a wealth of experience is vital. 

You can’t teach someone how to scale their business or succeed in their business until you have scaled and succeeded in your business.

We recommend creating your own business first. 

It may even help you discover your niche as you explore various business options.

Once you have a real-life experience handling your own business, then you are in the position to help others run theirs.

Please note, you don’t have to know everything to start coaching. 

Choose Your Niche

When choosing a niche to coach online, you want to make sure you go for a profitable niche.

We already discussed some above, but other online coaching niches are also profitable and easy to start in. 

Let’s see a few:

– Skills Coaching

– Photography Coaching

– Social Media Coaching

– Performance Coaching

– Spiritual Coaching

– Relationship Coaching

– Financial Coaching

– Health or Wellness Coaching

Also, as you pursue your online coaching career, you should narrow down who your target audience is. 

This is vital because you may not have the desire or experience to work with everyone you meet.

Having a target audience will also help you create better sales materials and marketing materials because you are now focusing and directing your message to a specific group.

Find What Makes You Stand Out From The Rest

When talking about online coaching, you should keep it in mind that thousands of people are already doing this. 

What will make you stand out? 

What makes clients pick you out from the crowd and keep you miles ahead of the competition? 

The answer is creating a differentiated offer.

You stand out by delivering unique results that make a difference to the community you serve.

Your job as an online coach who wants to stay relevant is to create an enjoyable offer that consistently solves your audience’s top pain points.

Be creative about it and at the same time, carry them along.

Gather The Required Tools

You need to get the needed equipment and materials. 

If you’ll be running online conferences, download the software you need to achieve this and purchase a quality headset as well. 

If you need to record calls, find out which software works best, and get them.

Whatever your online coaching classes are going to be like, you need to make sure you get the required equipment in place before you get started.

It’s highly important to put the right systems in place to nurture your clients’ long-term as well as the right processes for your business.

Know what tools and software you will need to provide a smooth and flawless customer experience.

If you have the right message, the right audience, but the wrong tools, you will find yourself working more on your tools rather than your clients, and you are going to end up frustrated and exhausted.

Find ways to automate time-consuming tasks like answering emails, scheduling meetings, and the rest.

You will save more energy and get more done this way.

Get Your First Client

Since all we have said so far is useless until applied, we will share with you four easy steps to get your first client, and then many others!

Step #1: Zoom In On Your Target Audience

We have already stated that you can save time and resources by marketing to the right audience.

Take out time to identify your target audience. 

Who’s the most likely buyer of your product or service? 

How old are they and what’s their gender? 

Knowing your market makes it easier to find them and deliver messages that grab their attention.

Step #2: Build A Potential Client List

Developing your potential client list is a good place to start from while searching for your first client. 

You can make quick sales this way and get more referrals. 

You can use the following sources to start your potential customer list:

Personal Contacts 

These are your friends and family. 

They are most likely to purchase from you or they may not need it but can refer you to others who do.

Existing Customers 

If perhaps you have already made a few sales, you can call your existing customers to see if they need more of your services or product. 

Ask Referrals 

You can call friends, family, and existing customers and ask them to refer to anyone who needs your services or products. 

Social Media 

Many service-based businesses find social media one of the best places to connect with and build lasting relationships with potential clients and customers. 

You can interact with your followers (without bugging them with annoying sales messages) and increase their awareness of you and what you offer while building a relationship.

Step #3: Make Contact

Once you have your potential client list, it’s time to reach out. 

How do you do this?

Over the Phone 

Cold calling is not exactly a very exciting idea, but they can generate the leads you need, and then you can present your product as viable solutions to people’s problems. 

Use an easy, conversational script.

Don’t do all the talking. 

Ask questions and allow your potential client to express themselves. 

This turns the focus of the call onto them and makes it easier for them to open up to you enough to become interested in what you have to offer.

Always end your calls with a Call-to-Action (CTA). 

You can ask them to commit to a trial period or give you their email for further information. 

Remember, information not acted upon will bring no result.

Don’t forget that not everyone will be interested, and if they aren’t, ask them to kindly refer someone who would require your services.


While this isn’t as effective as getting on the phone, it’s less scary. 

It’s a great way to introduce yourself and your offers. 

The trick is this: don’t come off as salesperson, instead, offer value. 

You can give a brief intro of who you are and add a coupon or free articles on a relevant topic. 

Then you build a relationship from there that can culminate into a long-term client relationship.


You can choose to personally meet people to talk about your coaching service. 

This is quite effective as people can warm up to you faster. 

Quick warning, you have to be friendly and confident.

Don’t tell them everything at once. 

Find out their needs and tailor your presentation to show how your services can meet their needs. 

Always keep some sales materials ready in case they need something to go with or you need to refer to. 

Again, make sure you end with a call-to-Action and a promise to follow up.

Step #4: Follow Up And Then, Follow Up Again.

We need to tell you straight up: you are going to get a couple of “No’s.” 

For some people, that “No” is final, while for others, it’s “No for now.” 

The mistake many online coaches make while starting is that they hear a couple of “No’s” and they give up. 

80% of sales are not made on the first, second, or even third contact. 

It can take up to five or more contacts to make a sale. 

Humans are suspicious and indecisive when it comes to buying.

You must believe strongly in what value your coaching services will bring to the people you’re targeting and follow them up with that.

Try to come up with a system of follow-up that is not annoying.

Don’t spam people. 

Learn to create enticing marketing offers and know when to step back and let them decide.

Scale Your Operations

You can start by freeing up your time. 

In which way can you leverage your time to better serve your clients? 

You can consider starting an online community for your clients as an online coach. 

Post regularly and invite members to share the group with others in your target audience. 

You can also grow your online community by joint ventures, advertisement, content marketing, or other options you find.

Quickly, we’ll share 3 easy and fun ways to scale your online coaching business.

1. Start Online Group Coaching

This is one of the simplest ways to scale your online coaching business and increase the number of clients you are working with. 

You know by now that this is not possible in a private coaching setting. 

Group coaching is a great option as you’ll be able to coach more people at a time to increase your bottom line. 

If you find that many of your clients are struggling with the same thing, you can simply create a group coaching session and address it while making a profit.

Part of the community advantage this offers to your clients is the room to create deep connections with each other that can be beneficial in the long run.

2. Create Online Courses And Products

This is a big one for anyone interested in seeing their profit line grow fast. 

Just in case the idea of creating a community seems long-term for you, you can go ahead and create a short-term community and give them a wealth of information by creating your digital products.

You can use a variety of channels to do this: videos, worksheets, and lots of other materials that can be easily accessed from time to time.

Whatever channel you choose, creating your digital products is a quick way to scale your online coaching business and we recommend it strongly.

3. Become A Speaker

If you want to take it further, you can become a speaker. 


Take the main topics in your area of expertise and talk on it. 

Once you create a unique talk in these areas, you can then begin to market yourself as a speaker to workshops, retreats, and conferences that are facilitated by other entrepreneurs.

Before you go into this, you must have a solid foundation in understanding your platform as a coach. 

You are stepping out as an authority and you have to keep it that way. 

Don’t divert.

Your coaching niche can also help you have a better idea of what unique perspective to bring to your audience.

Once you create a speaking platform that fits your coaching business, you can begin to send out your pitches and keep an eye open for available applications.


So there’s everything that you need to learn to start your coaching classes. 

This article was specifically created for anyone asking questions on how to get started as an online coach. 

We hope you have found it valuable and encouraging! 

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