Learn about the top 11 free coaching tools that can help you and your students to get the maximum from your coaching program and make it a success.
As a coach, you need a lot more than just what you know.
Coaching requires more than knowledge and there are certain things you will need to have in your arsenal to be that amazing coach people run to any day.
So, here’s an article to help you become the coaching superstar you have always dreamed of!
In this article, we will show you 11 free coaching tools and resources to set you apart, make you stand out, and make your coaching journey an exciting and rewarding adventure.
Coaching tools are very essential for every coach to be successful and these include coaching cards, labels, coaching exercises, wheel of life, personal assessment, emotional intelligence exercises, questionnaires, tie management tools and much more.
If you want to take your coaching to a whole new level, then this article is for you.
Make sure you read it to the end!
Ready? Let’s go!
Table of Contents:
Top 11 FREE Coaching Tools & Resources:
1. Coaching Cards

Coaching cards push ignorance out of the way and make learning a lot easier.
The traditional way of coaching is to tell.
But the challenge with telling is nobody learns by being told.
We all learn by being shown.
So, here is where coaching cards come to the rescue.
With coaching cards, you don’t have to say one thing a thousand times.
You let the cards do the showing.
Coaching cards are tools that prompt people into action and let them know what to do per time.
So you don’t need to have your students running to you each time they meet a road bump.
They can just use the cards as prompts and know what next to do.
Coaching cards help you to become a better coach, and it also brings the best out of your students and ensures that they get optimum results from your coaching.
The importance of showing in coaching cannot be overrated.
Even Google took it upon themselves to launch an extensive project called “Project Oxygen.”
Here, over 10,000 performance documents were reviewed and analyzed.
Eventually, Google arrived at the conclusion that coaching is the skill most managers lack, and yet, that is the skill they need to be the best at what they do.
You can check out some coaching cards from Making Business Matter and you will find a variety of coaching cards to pick from.
These will help your coaching journey tremendously.
Check out these cards at this link .
2. Coaching Exercises

You can also add more tools to your coaching toolbox, and coaching exercises are great tools to add.
They make coaching fun and easy, both for you, the coach, and your students.
So, here are some coaching exercises you should find useful.
They can come in handy as you continue your coaching journey.
a. How To Lose Your Labels And Limiting Beliefs
A label is a descriptive term people use to describe us.
They can be positive or they can be negative.
So, what if you find a limiting label in your student and you want to help them break out of it?
As a coach, this is part of your job.
Here’s how to go about it:
- Get them to list 10 labels that they think apply to them and let them aim to have at least four or five solid ones to work with.
- For each label, get them to consider if it is positive or negative.
- Now, get them to answer the question of origin, “where did the label come from?” and this should be as specific as possible e.g., peers, parents, teachers, etc.
- Now get them to ask themselves “Do I agree with this label?”
- Let them list out the advantages and disadvantages of the label. “How does it help me,” and “How does it limit me?”
- Which of my goals is this label getting in the way of being achieved?
- Get them to answer “which of these labels would I like to keep and which would I like to lose?”
- Now get them to decide on an action plan; this involves them picking up a label and thinking up a specific situation where it comes up.
b. Personal Reflections Exercise
This is a fun personal reflection that turns quotes into a powerful tool for your student’s personal development.
Here’s how to do this:
- Let them read the quotes below and pay attention to how each quote makes them FEEL; they are to pay attention to the quotes that seem to UNSETTLE them and the ones that RESONATE more with them.
– “Loneliness is a sign that you are in desperate need of yourself.” – Rupi Kaur
– “Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.” – Chinese Proverb
– “The key to keeping your balance is knowing when you’ve lost it.” – Anonymous
– “A vacation is what you take when you can no longer take what you’ve been taking.” – Earl Wilson
Ask them which quote(s) spoke to them most, which would they like to reflect on? Which would they like to learn the most from?
- Get them to pick two quotes and write them on a post-it, and leave them where they can see them more often, maybe on the fridge, their wallet, or the mirror.
- Now, over the next month, get them to ask these questions when they see, notice, or think of the quotes:
– What is this quote teaching me today and now?
– How could I apply this information in my life?
c. 5 Easy Steps To Create New Daily Habits
Here are 5 steps to help your students create new daily success habits.
Get them to do the following:
- What are your top priorities and stress causers?
First, let them take a moment to think about their top priorities in life right now.
What would their top 3 priorities be?
Then get them to think about what causes stress in their lives, and then ask “What are my top 3 stressors?” Let them write it out.
- Brainstorm Ideas for your Daily Success Habits
Now they have done number 1, get them to brainstorm on what habits could support them to focus on their priorities and/or minimize the stress in their life.
Let them take out some time and write out 5 to 10 specific daily actions they can take to support them to be their best.
- Pick at least 5 Habits you think would really help you.
- Make the habit specific to help you recall and track your success
This means you need to get them to look at the habits they have chosen.
What exactly are they doing? Where are they doing it? How often are they doing it?
The more specific the habits, the easier to achieve.
- Identify your Obstacles and then Plan around them.
Now, you need to get them to face reality.
There will be challenges and obstacles.
So, get them to answer the question, “What could get in the way?” and “How can I work around it?”
The last thing now is to get them started!
You can check it out here
3. Coaching Questions

Part of your job description as a coach is to ask your students questions that can get them to think.
Usually, people may know what they need to do, but sometimes, they do not know that on a conscious level.
So, asking them the right questions can get them to do the things they need to do to get to where they need to be.
So, here are some questions you could use as a coach:
- To Help Them Connect To Their Dreams
- What do you really, really want?
- If there was a secret passion to your life, what would it be?
- If there was something you were avoiding or running away from, what would it be?
- What’s missing in your life – what do you long for?
- What’s your lifetime dream?
- What are you NOT ready to change yet?
- Who will you have to become to have all that you want?
- To Help Them Review and Refocus on their Goals
- What are your 3 biggest priorities for the rest of the year?
- Are your goals still achievable? What would you need to change?
- What could inspire you and is reasonable to get your goals achieved this year?
- What is the most important thing you want to complete?
- What can you do to make sure your goals get completed easily?
- What do you need to let go of to ensure you achieve your goals?
- What one thing would you be disappointed about if you did not achieve it this year?
Now they have answered these questions, help them decide what they are going to do about it.
What actions will they take? When are they taking it, how, and where?
You can check it out.
4. Wheel Of Life

The wheel of life is a powerful visual coaching tool that helps your students see how balanced (or imbalanced) their life is.
The wheel of life is a visual representation of the important areas of a person’s life, divided into different parts.
It’s great to use as a regular tool for your clients.
Some of the areas the wheel of life covers are: friends and family, health, money, career, fun and leisure, personal growth, your significant other, as well as your home and environment.
The wheel of life will help the student find balance and know what areas need some more touch up.
As a coach, this is a tool you should never lack in your toolbox.
Check it out.
5. Personality Assessment

A personality test is a tool that you can use to help your client or student find their truest self.
With this tool, you can help the student discover their personality, test their personality type, and find their strengths.
With the personality test, you can discover what works best for you, and what does not.
If you use this tool with your client, you will find that it is easier to walk them through the coaching process because you are coming from their personality perspective, and this makes everything easier.
See some options here.
6. Emotional Intelligence Exercises

Here is some emotional intelligence training exercise you will find useful
Envy Self-Reflection Exercise
- Exercise 1: what are some of the things you have envied and acquired?
Steps: list what you envied, planned to acquire, and finally obtained.
- Exercise 2: what are the consequences of what you got?
Steps: use the list from exercise 1 to identify those things that subsequently failed to improve your life and list all of them.
- Exercise 3: can you achieve the same as the person you envy?
Steps: In a few words, describe if it is possible for you to achieve all that person you envy has achieved.
- Exercise 4: how can you turn this envy into admiration?
Steps: identify one person you envy; think of what they had to go through despite all the difficulties in their lives in order to achieve what they have achieved and write out a list of their difficulties and ask yourself what preparations you need to make and the actions you need to take to get to where they are.
- Exercise 5: what do those you envy, envy?
Steps: what do you think those you envy, envy?
- Exercise 6: what do you envy that you did not get?
Steps: list what you envy that you did not get.
- Exercise 7: what are the benefits and losses?
Steps: reflect on what you envied and finally obtained; make a table with two columns: benefits and losses and for each item you envied and got, identify the benefit or loss, now consider what you envy but have not acquired so far and make a new table with two columns for benefits and losses, for each envy, you have not gotten, identify the benefits and losses you will get with it.
- Exercise 8: How would others see you?
Steps: consider someone who admires you or is your fan and how would they see you without that thing you envy.
- Exercise 9: What actions get you closer to a compelling future?
Steps: review the results of the previous exercises and adjust your thoughts accordingly.
Check these.
7. Intake Checklist

The intake checklist is a comprehensive checklist of what you need to cover in an intake session.
This includes how you take payment, set up the next sessions, your coaching process, and more.
It is an essential and vital tool especially for new coaches and can be customized to suit your needs.
Check this out here.
8. Action Brainstorming Worksheet

This is an excellent action brainstorming worksheet that shows you what behaviors serve and don’t serve your clients as they move toward their goals.
It is a really simple coaching tool that can be applied to any situation.
You can also use this to minimize your client’s self-sabotaging behaviors, and can also serve as a great wrap-up for seminars and workshops.
Check this out here.
9. Pre-Coaching Questionnaire

A pre-coaching questionnaire is a tool you can use to:
– Find out information from your students about them.
– Understand what they are looking for during the coaching process
– Understand what they want from you as their coach
– Raise or lift your student’s awareness about everything above
10. Time Management Tool

The time management tool is a chart that helps you to record and account for exactly where your student’s time goes over the course of the week.
It helps them to keep track of their time and determine what they are doing with their time.
It also helps to expose hidden time-wasters.
Check the resource here.
11. Client Information Sheet

This is an information sheet that captures the key contact information of your client or student.
It helps you to stay organized as a coach and is an effective way to store essential information offline, on one page.
Check this out here
So these were all the tools that you need to equip yourself as a coach.
We hope you found this article helpful.
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Anita is a part of Weshare’s writing team. She has social media marketing experience for over 4 years and has been writing in-depth guides and articles about marketing, social media, and online education for the past 7 years.
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