How To Create A Group Coaching Program

Learn about how a group coaching program works, how to create a group coaching program, and the techniques to make your online coaching a giant success.

If you are looking forward to scaling your coaching business and reaching a wider audience while increasing your income, then you should consider creating a group coaching program.

Apart from the fact that this is a beautiful way to do more at less cost, this is also a major time saver and it can be more effective than single coaching.

If you are wondering how to go about it and you have some questions you would like answered, then this is the right article for you.

Do you want to know how to start a group coaching session? 

Then keep reading to find out.

Let’s go!

To create a group coaching program, you must know about the coaching subject, your audience, and your competitors. You also need to choose a coaching structure for your programs, use tech tools for assistance, and market your coaching program to your audience. 

1. Decide The Subject Of Your Program

group coaching program

Before you venture into holding group coaching sessions, you should have settled the issue of what your subject will be.

Group coaching sessions are very different from one-on-one or personal coaching sessions.

In personal one-on-one coaching sessions, you focus on the individual and create your program around their specific needs, but this is not the same thing for group coaching.

In group coaching, you have many people and these people have varying needs, so you must do your best to create the content of your program around these numerous needs while making sure that you resolve as many of their challenges and issues as possible during your group coaching session.

This also means that you need to be absolutely specific about what your program is. 

You must clearly outline the particular challenges your program is designed to solve, as well as the number of solutions you are offering your audience for every one of these challenges and other things.

This might take a while, but however long it takes you, ensure that you are crystal clear about what you want to do for the participants as you list out what your program is about.

It does not matter what point you are at in your business, you might be an experienced coach for years, or a rookie trying to scale up and grow more, whatever point you are at in your business as a coach, you must make sure you are clear about what you are doing.

This is a simple but sure way to create a far more powerful, profitable, sustainable, and effective group coaching program.

You must know the Who (your target market) and the What (Your niche)

This will help you create a great group coaching program as well as a thriving coaching career. 

2. Determine Your Audience

group coaching program

There is no coaching program if you don’t have an audience. 

What exactly would you be doing without a target audience? 

Under the last point, we emphasized the need to know your Who (your target market) and we will take it further here.

How do you identify or choose your target market?

First, you want to be certain you can find them so, who would be the easiest clients for you to find? 

If you are into coaching already, it’s highly probable that you have met your target market already or you are with them at the moment.

You should also take out some time and resources to do some target market research

What does this do for you? 

Well, it helps you to make sure that the people you are targeting are the people who have a need for what you do, and are able and willing to pay for your coaching services.

It also gives you a lot more information about your target audience. 

It lets you in on their desires and needs. 

Knowing all these have a positive effect on your marketing campaign because now, you know how to tailor your message to suit the target audience in a way that resonates best with them.

3. Look At Your Competitors

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Do you want your group coaching program to be a success? 

Then never ignore the importance of making sure there is an already existing market, and when you do, identify exactly where you stand out!

If you check and find that you don’t have competitors, look out! 

You are probably going into something nobody wants to pay for.

If that happens to be the case, you might want to reconsider the subject of your coaching again.

If you do carry out your research, however, and find that you have some good competition, then that is healthy.

Begin to do your research on the competitors you find and pay attention to what their customers are saying about them.

Identify their strengths and pay attention to the gaps they may be missing. 

Doing this will show you where you can improve on.

When you have done this, you are well on your way to establishing yourself and your group coaching business as a force in your industry.

4. Identify Your Unique Selling Proposition

group coaching program

We have already talked about the importance of narrowing down and choosing your niche, which is still about knowing your What.

Now we will narrow down on that some more.

Here’s what you need to know fast before you make the mistake many coaches make: your coaching program won’t go far if you try to solve all the problems of your target market.

Whenever people come to you, they already have something in mind, and they are looking to get a specific solution. 

Focusing on one problem helps you have an offer or service that is easy to understand and explain as well.

We already addressed the importance of doing target market research. 

Great! Now, what you want to do is to go through the data you have collected and pick one main need that your target audience has, then make sure it is an area with potential which your competitors are not addressing so well.

The next thing to do is to use that to write

The next thing to do is to use that to write out your one solution in a simple sentence that describes the service your client will receive from you or your program.

out your one solution in a simple sentence that describes the service your client will receive from you or your program.

5. Decide The Structure Of Your Group Coaching Program

group coaching program

Now you have decided that you are all out to create that terrific group coaching program and it is going to work. Congratulations.

So, how do you intend to structure this terrific coaching program?

Well, there are three ways you can go about it.

Let’s look at them below.

Option 1: The Cohort Model

Alright, this is quite easy. 

You simply get the participants to sign up for it in advance

When you have done this, you then get them together and start your group coaching program on the same date.

The idea is to make sure they start the program at the same time and finish together

This will save you time and cost and increase your reach, should you decide to go for this model.

Option 2: Program Model

This is still a group program like the first, but the difference is that in this model, the group program has a defined length (say 6 to 12 weeks). 

But unlike the cohort model, it has no set kickoff date.

Clients are free to enroll at any time

Usually, there is a limited enrollment or registration window.

This model enables the client to go through the program on a predefined schedule and at a pace that is comfortable for them.

Option 3: Membership Model

This is the evergreen model

This program type is scheduled to always run on the same recurring schedule.

Like the previous model, it allows the client to get started at any time.

Here also, all the clients are experiencing the same content at the same time but like the program model, they can sign up at any time.

6. Identify Your Tech Tools

group coaching program

A group coaching program does not have to be so complicated, really.

With the right tools, you can pull off a perfectly flawless and smooth group coaching program.

Here are some tech tools that can help you achieve the best coaching:

a. A Scheduler

This is the very first tool you need when you begin to work online as a coach

You have so much to do, from chats with new contacts to treating your mails and other time-demanding tasks, you definitely need a lot of time to do all these.

A scheduler will make your journey easier by integrating your list of to-dos with your website.

You can even use schedulers to take payment if you put it in place.

b. Zoom

Who doesn’t need Zoom? Let’s see… Nobody!

If you are a coach or you are about to begin and you are considering group coaching programs, then Zoom is your go-to software.

Apart from it being accessible at any time, it can also record your sessions so you can always access them.

This will save you all the stress of traveling hours to meet clients face to face.

The quality is top-notch and it’s usually fast.

c. An Email Marketing Platform

What would we do without email lists?

Agreed, not everyone is so crazed about them, especially if you are on the receiving end, but let’s face it, – businesses need email lists and plenty of them.

If you will take your group coaching to a whole different level, then you have to consider email marketing seriously.

Get signed up on a great email marketing platform with incredible automation. 

Then you can go ahead to load your audience with useful information, lots of goodies, and freebies that show your expertise while building your email list.

Eventually, this list you have built will become a target audience for your marketing and you can cross-sell your coaching services, consultancy, and coaching there.

d. Google Forms

If you are taking your coaching program online, then they are certain tech tools you just cannot ignore, and Google forms are just one of them.

If you use Zapier, you can avoid moving the data or email you have collected manually.

Simply connect your survey to a google sheet and then sync the sheet with CRM software or Dupado, and then you are good to go.

7. Market Your Coaching Program

group coaching program

The number one challenge many coaches have or experience over group coaching is how to market their coaching program.

You can either follow the one-step marketing approach or take advantage of the two-step marketing approach.

The first approach is the one-step marketing approach where you use irresistible and free coaching to get them in to sign up for the next coaching program which is paid.

Then you make sure you have a sales page where you can direct all your traffic and have them sign up for your group coaching programs.

This approach works best when the people you are targeting already know, like, and trust you.

The second approach is the two-step marketing approach. 

This is where you give a high-value for free either in your class, webinar, or call. 

Then at the end of your free high-value class, you can proceed to tell your audience about another coaching that you have which they can attend if they register.

The question is this: will it work? 

Will people be willing to pay or register for the program?

Of course, they would love to. 

They have had a taste of your value for free and they would be excited to take another of your coaching programs even when it is a paid session.

So the answer is yes, your audience will look forward to taking things further with you. 


These are the things you need to know in order to get that group coaching program running in no time.

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